Cardboard cutting knives are tools used to cut through cardboard and other types of paperboard. We offer various shapes and sizes and can be used for various applications, including cutting out shapes and patterns, trimming excess material, and making straight cuts through thicker cardboard sheets.
Cardboard blades are typically made of hardened steel or a durable plastic material and have a sharp edge designed to make clean, precise cuts through the material.
Baucor makes and supplies both standard and custom size cardboard cutting and converting blades for its customers worldwide. If you have a print, sketch, sample or specs, please contact us today filling out our online form here to ask about specific size and models and an extensive list of standard in-stock industrial blades and machine knives. If you have a drawing, sample or your desired specifications for a custom blade you need manufactured, please send them using our our online form here.
We manufacture cardboard cutting knives and blades for many applications. Some of our cardboard knife applications include perforating, guillotine cut, rewinding and cut off. Our cardboard cutting knives and industrial cardboard cutting blades are in straight, circular, pointed tip, toothed, serrated, scalloped and many other blades by shapes.